It is very important to understand the group dynamics, because people are different, they have different commutation styles and these could be the basis of different interpretations and misunderstanding.
Tuckman model
It is a group development model. The phases are:
1. Forming:
Characteristics of individual behavior: insecure, hesitation, sceptical response, dependent (management, facilitator?)
Suggestions for you as a facilitator:
- define clear goal for security
- create clarity -> focus on the work
- structure process and assign participants to taks to give guidance
- visible flipchart with the rules
- not 100% focus on the work
- structure is high
- focus is low
- emphasize group objective and group responsibility to create team atmosphere
- social and emotional attention.
- emphasize the individuals
2. Storming
- challenging the team with tasks
- emphasize group
- speed low
- structure high
- until people feel OK
3. Norming phase - when you become a team
Character of the individuals: more and more the team, acceptance of others in their role, confidence increase, team relaxes
suggestion for you as facilitator:
- emphasize commitments
- enforce increasing confidence
- less control facilitator
- more control to the group
- story: teams spirit. I wanna do the best for the team
4. Performing - people are focused on tasks
Character of the individuals: focus on tasks, openness, confidence, objectives are achieved, conflicts are managed by the group
- emphasize self steering capacity
- emphasize good results and the position of the group
- share decisions and problems
Communication styles
Wilson model
- rational vs emotional
- search vs statements
- need to identify the team members
- works in one to one communication
- talks around: fact, advantages, do for you and your team
- body language
- interest
- like
- dislike
- stress behavior
The styles in details:
- analytical style: focus getting the information. regarding the job for the data, details. long concentration.
like: peace of mind, quiet, happy to solve the problem, keep looking for details, business oriented
dislike: noise, emotions, personal issues
stress: avoid conflict, neglect it, miss conflict.
after a while he reaches the permanent conflict - steering style: don't like small talk, use the voice, lean the power, they wanna progress,
like: powerful, looks for alternatives, they like decisions. give them 2 choices, efficient, business focused
dislike: personal issues, soft-behavior, emotions, limitation, people in doubt
stress, during conflict: pushing on the content - pleasing style: team atmosphere, well being,
like: cooperation, securtiy, piece of mind, secure thing to do together, interested in team-spirit and team-goal.
dislike: insecurity, acting fast, lack of team-spirit
stress: mediate -> attack -> avoid -> pushing on the content - expressive style: small talk, stories, emotion, pop-up, they have opinion. very socials, creativity, energy, short, use the body,
like: talking, generating ideas, freedom, opportunities, able to define his path,
dislike: business talks, details, finishing, listening, limitations
stress: attack on personal level, forget soon the conflict
Shifting gear
- find content -> process -> procedure -> ok?
- run procedure -> process -> content
Conflict types:
- instrumental: -> shifting gear, calculate the best solution (hang paint on the wall) 9/10
- interest: (screw and hammer sellers get bonus) -> negotiation
- relational: (I just disagree), stay for long time, relations -> mediation. ask collaboration
- team, project identify what states they are? discuss in the subgroup
- profile each other in the subgroup, go into conversation what we like, and profile again
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