Business agility levels

I followed this week an online meetup with Erich R. Buhler, the topic was learning new tools.

Organization agility

I would like to share his diagram about the agility levels, he called Extreme business agility.

And What an evident and useful view this! I really love it. During the projects and also during the academy sessions we mention several times few element of this diagram, but I never see this before in one overview.

The key message I think for the coaches, that they have to prepare and overview the agility in many level in an organization.

How we create business value?

and keep the organization healthy

Individual agility

I left here the first topic of the meeting.

Do you struggle to move people? He identifies these levels for individuals. 



Probably we can find more details in his blog and book: "Leading Exponential Change: Go beyond Agile and Scrum to run even better business transformations".

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