Exercise: What kind of agile do I see ...

 Ah, there are many different implementations and usage on different level in different companies, and even in a company. 

Maybe one team is more using the agile practices and maybe one department is totally committed, but others did not start to consider the benefits.

What I see at my previous project?

At first look


  • there are scrum dev teams
  • scrum ceremonies
  • iteration in 2 weeks
  • release every month
  • build automation
  • unit testing


  • missing sprint review
  • separated analyst team
  • proxy product owners
  • project managers lead the developments
  • missing domains and owners
  • No TDD
  • No XP
  • no cross function team members
  • no direct communication with the other departments
  • no experience by releases and measurements
  • no story points

Comparing with the Umbrella

red: missing
yellow: started
green: bases are OK

Overall status

Agile way working started but they are blocked at many points.

There is a chance to improve the processes if the team member find the courage.

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