Project Cycle, Full Delivery, Foundations

It is the second day and we just continue the deep diving.

Lest start always with the WHY when we start an agile project. For a software, for a product, for a service? anything.

The Foundations 

The WHY and WHO

1. Business 

  • what is the value? what happen if we dont do this?
  • clearly defined user groups
  • product backlog 
  • identify the stakeholders: who can reject the changes

2. Solution:

  • consider the standards
  • DoD
  • Stakeholders

3. Collaborations

  • teams
  • rituals 
  • empowerment
We discussed a topic together in a smaller group again: "what is the value, and the pain-point to start the project."


It is a great collection how to start an agile project. I found it very useful, maybe I never thought about this part of the project before.


What kind of practices you miss at your project?

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