8 elements of coaching

So a people could have 36 identities.

Just try to avoid no to mix them. So you arrive home from work where you were an manager and you wife ask you something, dont forget, you are the husband!

Coaches has eight very important identities, they use them in different situations.

Your identity can be defined also by your opponent, for example if he takes  a child role, you will play as an adult.


you are focusing on developing a shared goal. your tools are the questions.


You are focusing on developing the how-to, normally it is a pair work.


You are teaching the team, sharing knowledge, focusing on the learning outcomes.


You are helping the team for their goal and outcome. Avoid conflicts, miscommunication, introduce transparency.

Lean Leader

Promoting for life-long learning the teams.

Change agent

Develop a formal path for the change


You share your experiences, the best practices, giving advises and problem solving.

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