Healthy & exponential organization

I am reading and blogging few important things from the book of Bühler, Erich R. Leading Exponential Change.

Healthy organization

 “Today, competitive advantage doesn’t go to the company with the best widget. It goes to the organization that can reinvent itself and defend itself from attackers—wherever they may come from—better than anyone else.” - Colin Price

"A healthy business is one in which people feel confident, where there are fewer political decisions and greater collaborative effort, where conflict is used as a tool for continuous improvement, and where individuals can find and use techniques to overcome human limitations when facing constant change."

So to be healthy can be a goal, there is no perfect organization, but you are on the good way if you built up collaboration , continuous improvement and constant change.

Exponential company

  • Have organizational structures that can regularly evolve by consensus (collaboratively).  
  • Have clients that are co-creators of products and not just consumers.  
  • Encourage learning and decision-making under consensus.  
  • Use artificial intelligence or robotics in areas where the human element cannot multiply exponentially.  
  • Use different ways of measuring progress.  
  • Use tactics that constantly reduce complexity and bureaucracy in the company.  
  • Understand how people’s brains work when faced with change and the need to use techniques that overcome these difficulties.
  • Understand how to manage conflict in times of turbulence.

I would agree on this list. From my point of view the most important the empiricism. This is the way creating a product with the client and learning.

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