Immunity to change in Agile transformations

We face with immunity, ignorance, resistance, rebellion. Of course! why and how we can handle it?

You see animal about to change or die in worst case. Why human-being can not accept change?

Integrated performance model

How can I improve my performance and team performance?
You need good feelings, emotions for good results!

Lets take an example, you feel anxious.

Level State
behavior stress
thinking alternatives, interpretations
feel fear
emotions feel trapped
physiology sweaty hands

So what we can expect a team member, who is anxious? he is thinking on alternatives, he has fear, he feels trapped?

So well being and safety is very important for the team members to open up and work on the topics. They need definitely good feelings.

Recommended readings:

  • Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization (Leadership for the Common Good)


Team immunity to change. Look at your team, when you start to change things in the team, what happens in the team?

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