Exercise: Roles and responsibilities at my project

|Lets see these roles for my software quality project. Goal: reduce operational budget via quality improvements.


1) Sponsor or Business owner

Pretty clear who is supporting with budget the project and the value

2) Visionary

I had an Enterprise Architect defining his vision and a  manager to build up his vision.

3) Business Ambassador

My manager represented the business needs. He also synchronized the status with them.

4) Non-functional standard experts

It was my responsibility to collect together with the developers, ops and analyst together what are the best practices today.

5) Analyst, Product owner

Several analyst and product owner helped the developers to understand the business neesd.

6) Solution developers

Of course the dev teams

7) Solution tester

The developers created the test frameworks and implemented the tests cases on several levels.

8) Agile delivery manager

Our Delivery manager is a line manager. We have a Release manager who is responsible only for the deployments. The scrum master and the Product owner prepare the next increment together by business domains.

9) Scum master

Several developers are working today in scrum teams, they have scrum master, and they do their job more or less to facilitate the team for the delivery.

in Summary

We have no direct connection with the business. The developers are responsible for the test and the release part also. there is no delivery manager who act to support the increment.

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