Roles & Responsibilities


At the beginning of the session we got few books recommendation. 

Arie highlighted the "Agile Software Development Ecosystems" book.

What you miss from your foundations

Then we discussed the last homework, I would share just a few sentences as example what you miss from your foundations:

  • go fast or to the good direction?
  • no facilitation, scrum master is the problem in the team?
  • no improvements supported by the management.

It is clear we have roles in agile, maybe the names are different in scrum or safe. And who has this role he has responsibilities.

I found more interesting the Heart-bit events, what coaches do every two-three days following up , showing and validating the progress with the business.


We talked about a little bit the moscow model.

we use it for quantifying the requests by questions: how much, how many, how often?

  1. 25% must
  2. 30% should have
  3.  5% could have
  4. 40% want have 


  • maybe people dos nos show up on the riturals
  • maybe people will be changed
  • maybe management does intervention



I think we got a good overview about the roles and responsibilities, we mentioned several mistakes. For me this heart-bit was new, I am very happy to hear this.


Analyse your snowman at your project.

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