Requirements, DoD, Estimation

In this session we touched the topics how the requirements are shown to the dev teams, the definition of done and the estimation techninc.

About the roles

During the transformation people will be asked to do something what they never did before.

Arie mentioned the possibility to having issues with the HR and Unions. His advices:

  1. build a team before the transformation
  2. during the transformation spend time on one-and-one sessions. For example ask the people what they would like to do, which field they feel they are good.
  3. involve HR to the process

Requirements handling

Journey, epics, user stories.

If there is any change regarding the requirements we have to involve all the stakeholders.

This is a big limitation, he showed us the upside-down triple constraint. where we can fix maybe the time and the money, then the requirements are the moving point.

Removing task from the DoD could cause quality issues.

Definition of done

"There is no compromise for successful transformation"

Every team member should be able to do the half of the tasks of the DoD.


Using complexity points is essential and the poker planning is a very good practice.


It was good to see the stories of Arie.


Identify the value on your work? It is really written?

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