Practice coaching sessions

I think this topic is coming soon in the academy. But I would not wait for this. Peter is my friend is struggling with IT knowledge improvements.

I talked with him a half hour, and during the talk I figured out lets continue this meetings every week. It could help for him to see the progress and the paint-points.

Nice starting point! 

Facilitation toolkit

The last two days of the facilitation week we spent on the facilitation tools and how they are useful in the agile rituals.

Capturing information

  • capture all the info what is shared by the group
    agenda, parking lot, decisions, process

  • everybody is aligned with the captures

  • every couple of minutes, stop and quickly check the alignment. feel comfortable?

  • captures -> becomes backbone of the group
    not captured: not relevant for the group
    no need more documentation anymore

  • looking of words vs drawings


  • do summary during conversation
  • creating small group, when bring them together: shield of honor
  • capturing
  • double checking
  • communication style
  • agile
  • use variety of techniques

quality in the workshops

  • syntax
  • invite the people
  • action planning: if there is an impediment (connection to the future)



finalizing the preparation matrix with the tools

Scrum certifications

You can get certification via many ways. I prefer the candidates work in a proper environment, so he can learn, discovery many good practices, behavior  during the work, and also seeing the proper roles.

It is very good to participate in an training for one or two days. You can meet with other candidates, they have different experience and observation. We like to follow patterns, it is a very easy way to learn. Plus there are the trainers who can share many stories, examples what you can recall later during your professional activity.

Reading books is also a very good option. You can create nots, highlights the most important messages for you.

Podcasts and meetups I would recommend them to see more behind the theory. 

At the end you want to get a certification. There are many ways to do it. During this pandemic it is very common to do it online.

I did a Scrum master certification in 2018, after working as agile and scrum developer for 7 years. I never thought I could bring a value for me. I did it because I started my scum master role.

Now I was interested in a Scum Developer certification. It is not so sexy certification, there are more people who has scrum master certification, but developers does not recognize a need for this.

I would recommend to the IT manager to ask their developer for going for a Scrum developer certification. They can learn a lot during the studies and recognize the best practices and recommendations.

I learn now for Product owner certification and also do studies on the Agile Coaching Academy for an agile coach certification.

Group dynamics

It is very important to understand the group dynamics, because people are different, they have different commutation styles and these could be the basis of different interpretations and misunderstanding.

Tuckman model

It is a group development model. The phases are:

1. Forming:

Characteristics of individual behavior: insecure, hesitation, sceptical response, dependent (management, facilitator?)

Suggestions for you as a facilitator:

  • define clear goal for security 
    • create clarity -> focus on the work
  • structure process and assign participants to taks to give guidance
    • visible flipchart with the rules
    • not 100% focus on the work
    • structure is high
    • focus is low
  • emphasize group objective and group responsibility to create team atmosphere
  • social and emotional attention.
  • emphasize the individuals 

2. Storming

  • challenging the team with tasks
  • emphasize group 
  • speed low
  • structure high
  • until people feel OK

3. Norming phase - when you become a team

Character of the individuals: more and more the team, acceptance of others in their role, confidence increase, team relaxes

suggestion for you as facilitator:

  • emphasize commitments
  • enforce increasing confidence
  • less control facilitator
  • more control to the group
  • story: teams spirit. I wanna do the best for the team

4. Performing - people are focused on tasks

Character of the individuals: focus on tasks, openness, confidence, objectives are achieved, conflicts are managed by the group


  • emphasize self steering capacity
  • emphasize good results and the position of the group
  • share decisions and problems
5. Adjourning

Communication styles

- facilitator helps to understand each other
- people have different styles, it creates misunderstandings
- facilitator closes gap between styles
- facilitator closes semantic gaps between professionals

Wilson model

dimensions, there are similar models:
  • rational vs emotional
  • search vs statements

  • need to identify the team members
  • works in one to one communication
  • talks around:  fact, advantages, do for you and your team
  • body language
  • interest
  • like
  • dislike
  • stress behavior

The styles in details:

  • analytical style: focus getting the information. regarding the job for the data, details. long concentration.
    like: peace of mind,  quiet, happy to solve the problem, keep looking for details, business oriented 
    dislike: noise, emotions, personal issues
    stress: avoid conflict, neglect it, miss conflict.
    after a while he reaches the permanent conflict 

  • steering style: don't like small talk, use the voice, lean the power, they wanna progress, 
    like: powerful, looks for alternatives, they like decisions. give them 2 choices, efficient, business focused 
    dislike: personal issues, soft-behavior, emotions, limitation, people in doubt
    stress, during conflict: pushing on the content

  • pleasing style: team atmosphere, well being,
    like: cooperation, securtiy, piece of mind, secure thing to do together, interested in team-spirit and team-goal.
    dislike: insecurity, acting fast, lack of team-spirit
    stress: mediate -> attack -> avoid -> pushing on the content

  • expressive style: small talk, stories, emotion, pop-up, they have opinion. very socials, creativity, energy, short, use the body, 
    like: talking, generating ideas, freedom, opportunities, able to define his path, 
    dislike: business talks, details, finishing, listening, limitations  
    stress: attack on personal level, forget soon the conflict 

Shifting gear

  1. find content ->  process -> procedure -> ok?
  2. run procedure -> process -> content

very important for everybody to understand each other

Conflict types: 

  • instrumental: -> shifting gear, calculate the best solution (hang paint on the wall) 9/10
  • interest: (screw and hammer sellers get bonus) -> negotiation
  • relational: (I just disagree), stay for long time, relations -> mediation. ask collaboration

Facilitator is not a therapist!


  1. team, project identify what states they are? discuss in the subgroup
  2. profile each other in the subgroup, go into conversation what we like, and profile again


I know Truckman before, and also DISC, which is very close to Wilson.
I like this type approach to analyze the different styles in the Wilson model. Could be very useful to analyze my team and understand better.

The Shifting gear sounds very interesting, would be nice to exercise it. And discovering the conflict type will be a power for finding the solution.

More in facilitation

 I would propose to share here some interesting material in facilitation topic.

I would like to share an online meetup about brainstorming. It is a well know technique, and used widely, the basis was published around 1950's. 

But how to do it better?

And I found this week a facilitation method library. There are many methods, they are described in a well defined structure.

I found very useful to learn new methods.

Exercise: Six axis for an agile meeting

We selected the retrospective meeting to discuss about the six axis. 

We created this table in the Miro. We identified the main blocks of this meeting and try to add a value for the certain axis.

For getting a common understanding on the blocks we added the small tasks of the block.

If you see the Opening  block is more focused and driven by the leader. And we can see more interaction in the collecting and action plan blocks.


The six axis of facilitation

Agile is used for avoiding delays, they are based on quality, efficiency and misunderstandings.  That's why we see it as an interaction concept.

Six assumption from the thirty

  • NOT communication is impossible
    • invite people to share his thoughts
    • respect people, they speak more and others less
  • words spoken are not reliable
  • you receive what you have given
  • there is no such thing as resistance
    • they are not ready yet
    • some people will be never ready when you are there
    • they don't feel free to say anything
  • there is no failure
    • any idea is a good idea
  • everybody has good intentions
    • people feel insecure, not safe
    • don't judge easily
    • people start to talk, other try to interact. give a team a presentation and give time for clarification

Communication cycle

  • 7% verbal
  • 70% body language
  • 23% voice, tone

Six axis of the facilitations

  • structure
    • show the structure of the workshop

  • speed
    • check what is going? is it one team? everybody is ready?
    • change the speed of the meeting

  • interaction
    • how I let people to work on the workshop?
    • break up to small groups, they feel safer
    • what to do with the outcomes of the small groups: merge? priorities the results: more competitive, 
    • icebreaker: 10 minutes coffee

  • focus
    • shifting gear?
    • doing exercises VS working for the results
    • sleepy -> brain  is switching off -> energizing activity

  • concerns
    • levels of topics: individual, team, group, worldwide
    • fist time work together: introductions, ask for individual exercise: what you did in the company, your last weekend. very safe topic
    • example: generic questions about the word -> company -> for your team ->  

  • control
    • who is taking on the process now. 
    • facilitator decision. teams are not so self organizing or not?


Create a Workshop Preparation Matrix
  • agenda of a workshop + 6 axis
  • you indicate how much they need -- => ++
  • expect miracles, it is impossible

  1. Neutrality, stay neutral
    1. how to deal with neutrality and avoid conflict
    2. decision making
    3. my content is the outcomes

  2. Transparency and role modeling 
    1. sharing

  3. Ground rules / collaboration agreement
    1. don't interrupt each other, phones etc.
    2. anyone to add a new role: dialog
    3. flipchart on the wall with the rules

  4. Action planning
    1. connect to the future, meaning for the future?
    2. who can take the action, when we get the outcome?
    3. facilitator take it to discuss with external dependencies


I never heard about this six axis, and sounds pretty cool. Very useful to plan and prepare a new meeting, workshop or even analyze and understand what happened on a meeting.

Exercise: Agile rituals with challenges

 I am in a new team. We collected together the challenges in Miro.

Agile rituals Who needs to be there What is the challenge
Sprint planning Scrum Team, (PO, SM, cross-functional members)

-Unclear business need

-Backlog items aren't ready

- Unclear expectations, roles & responsibilities (Agile foundations)

-Late or missing people

-Unclear ritual objective

- Timebox is not respected

Heartbeat Stakeholders, PO/SM VS Scrum Team (OD)

- Timebox is not respected

- Unclear ritual objective

- Lack of common language

- Changing into ideation

- No Trust

- Different expectations

- Timing & Location

Daily standup Scrum Team (PO optional)

- Timebox not respected

- Unclear ritual objective

- Problem solving discussions 

- Power struggles

- Status meeting 

- No pulse check (progress)

Sprint reviewPO, scrum team, Stakeholders, Business representatives

- Timebox not respected

- Unclear ritual objective

- Technical problems

- Misaligned expectations

- Go off topic


Scrum Team


- Timebox not respected

- Unclear ritual objective

- Not sharing 

- No action plan (commitment) 

- NVC (biased)

Backlog Refinement Scrum Team, Business representative, PO, expert

- Timebox not respected

- Unclear ritual objective

- Invite an expert

- No clear goal

- No conversations 

- Priorities being discussed

- Force the team

Facilitation: Organizing the event

 Today we turn back to the masterclasses in the Agile Coaching Academy.

I did not post long time ago. There were many interesting topics in fact, but I was exhausted because of getting a flue. Maybe I will post these topics later.

Meeting vs Workshop

Arie first question was about what is the difference between a meeting and a workshop.

The first answer was, the workshop is more about doing and not just listening.

Arie also shared, that the participants during the workshop are working for an outcome.

International association for facilitators

During my several roles I love facilitation, in my interpretation to try to help to go closer to the goal.

I did it without any training, and probably it was not perfect at all. But the team members and the managers also appreciated it.

The IAF is an organization of the facilitators, they have a purpose to share and go deeper in this topic. The members of the organization could help you if you straggle in a topic. And even you can go for a certification.

Competencies for facilitators

We reviewed the core competencies for facilitators.

1. Create a collaborative client relationship

  • preparations, foundations
  • understand the client (team, business)
  • why you asking me?
  • what the workshop will bring you

2. Plan appropriate group process

  • methods, process
  • time and space
  • prepared for cultural differences, group dynamics


3. Create and sustain a participatory environment

group dynamics, techniques, interfacing:

  • participatory process
  • honor and recognize diversity
  • conflict management
  • evoke group creativity


4. Guide group to appropriate and useful outcome

Result driven, focus on the needs of the group

  • clear techniques
  • help the group
  • consensus and outcomes
  • stay out of the content


5. Build and Maintain professional knowledge

About you as a professional

  • base of knowledge (dynamics, brains...)
  • facilitation methods and techniques (categories, approaches, slowdown-speedup, use time, use space)
  • keep up learning

6. Model professional attitude

About you as a professional

  • self awareness and self assessment
  • integrity
  • group potential and neutrality (non-manipulate the outcome, build trust)
  • traditional leaders -> traditional answers

Organize the EVENT

  • plan an event
  • create an 180 degree backup plan

Agile rituals are workshops, need to be prepared.


See the objectives, the value, (hidden) agenda


which tools, material, drinks, food  I need



With whom?

With what?



I love the topic: facilitation. I never heard about this association, I subscribed, and I think I can learn there many things.

Some workshops books already contain few things for facilitation. This week will be interesting.

Preparation for this week

In your environment which workshop is interesting? can be maybe improved?

Home Work

Make a list of agile rituals, collect who should be there and what are the chalanges.

Is it important agnostic agile?

 Definitely. No Question.

The Agile Manifesto

The Agile Manifesto contains some basic points and many principals. If you would like to say you are agile, or you are working agile, or you respect agility, than it means you follow the Agile Manifesto.

Maybe I signed the Agile Manifesto in 2011. I dont remember, and even Google does not help me now.

The Agnostic agile

The agnostic agile is related more to the transformation. You or an organization works in a way and he would like to switch his process to be more based on agile principals.

By signing the Agnostic Agile, you are acknowledging the importance of an agnostic understanding of agility, and its many colorful implementations.

Discussion: Agile or not yet Agile?

This week discuss all the topics of yesterday in a coaching session with out team.

My Team mates are Koen, Karan and Thilbault.

Each team member has 20 minutes to explain his status, ongoing project, thinking. The purpose is we can receive some questions are recommendation from each other.

Key points

I would just mention some key words or sentences, probably the full context is not so important.

weekly sessions for coaching people with several roles

discuss the desired roles with people and share with HR

stimulating people

working on a little experiment 

safe environment, it is OK to fail

informal chats, cafe-breaks

My turn

I never participated on a coaching session like this. I never had the opportunity to be coached.

I explained my situation how I helped to introduce agile as a scrum master and developer. And then how I turned to technical coaching.

I think we find the week point of this process. Probably it was more governed by the top, and the reason was the teams did not use the opportunity to grow, they were demanding for examples, POCs, pair working with the coach, and even not proposing steps or sharing visions.

There were of course small proposals during sessions, workshops or retro meetings.

Tooling, Scrum jargon

 Is it important the tools?

For reaching efficiency and efficient teams we need proper tools, methods and practices.

So it is important to select the proper tool for coding, sharing, collaborating with the team members.

And so important the practices: doing some dojo, kata, pair working together.

We mentioned one new thing: Mob programming, I heard about it already, but never practiced. This a session where a team deliver one user story together with one computer sharing the screen as we do on the dojo-s. But it is a real task. Very good practice to invite the business or the PO, and they can see how a feature is born.

Arie shared a big table of tools which are collected by different categories such: requirements, planning, collaboration, building, release etc.

We discussed a lot what we think about the importance of the tools. Maybe business coaches ask the help of the technical coaches. I would also recommend them to subscribe to a tech radar reports, and they will be frequently updated by the new or become standard tools.

Home work

create your tool list, and what do you do for an insight on tooling.

Business agility levels

I followed this week an online meetup with Erich R. Buhler, the topic was learning new tools.

Organization agility

I would like to share his diagram about the agility levels, he called Extreme business agility.

And What an evident and useful view this! I really love it. During the projects and also during the academy sessions we mention several times few element of this diagram, but I never see this before in one overview.

The key message I think for the coaches, that they have to prepare and overview the agility in many level in an organization.

How we create business value?

and keep the organization healthy

Individual agility

I left here the first topic of the meeting.

Do you struggle to move people? He identifies these levels for individuals. 



Probably we can find more details in his blog and book: "Leading Exponential Change: Go beyond Agile and Scrum to run even better business transformations".